We think, feel, work, play, move, sing, learn, and love.
There’s no doubt that we’re conscious, spiritual, energetic, living human beings… right?
Wrong! At least… that’s what our “scientific” healthcare system would say. No, in that system, we’re treated like a lump of meat and bone marinating in a bag of chemicals! What happened to E=mc2??
To make matters worse, we impatiently demand a pill to stop the pain… or a quick surgery to fix a broken part so we can resume our fast-paced life of materialistic consumerism and distracting technology.
Sooner or later, all that craziness fails. It fails you and me, too. How could it not fail?
Now, you just want real treatment… real help.
You want improvement that means something to YOU… and relief that lasts.
At last, you’ve found it! Developed by John F. Barnes, PT, the Myofascial Release (MFR) is one of the best forms of “authentic healing” in modern times.
MFR is a comprehensive, holistic treatment approach that uses hands-on structural techniques, myofascial unwinding, myofascial rebounding, and energy work to release myofascial restrictions within the connective tissue system of the entire body and mind.
I know that’s a bold statement, so I bet you have questions!
What are connective tissue and fascia?
The connective tissue system (aka “fascia”) is a web-like, whole-body system supporting and protecting the spine, brain, and craniosacral system… as well as every muscle, nerve, bone, joint, blood vessel, lymph, organ, and cell in the body. Science and medicine have ignored this major anatomical structure because most of the research was done on dead people! But recent scientific studies are finally beginning to recognize the vital importance of the living connective tissue system.
Fascia plays an important structural role as the support system of the body. Like the guide ropes of a tent, connective tissue holds the poles (the bones) in proper alignment so that the tent (the body) functions efficiently.
Fascia can stretch and glide, providing shock absorption and protection to fragile structures like vital organs and nerves.
Fascia is also an excellent energy conductor for electrical and light energy related to acupuncture meridians and the etheric or electromagnetic field of the body.
What are myofascial restrictions?
Myofascial restrictions are areas of physically hardened fascia or areas of subconscious muscle guarding or bracing.
They are caused by physical injury, inflammation, surgery, mental stress, emotional trauma, poor posture, and repetitive strain. They continue to tighten over time, developing a tensile strength of up to 2000 psi (the strength of steel cables)! Imagine that tension on a raw nerve. OUCH!
Restrictions do not appear on standard diagnostic tests but are palpable and observable with training.
Restrictions create pain, abnormal posture, stiffness, weakness, decreased blood flow, swelling, numbness, and other nerve symptoms.
To protect nearby vital organs, they mechanically transfer physical force to other areas of the body. This affects sensitive structures near and far, producing surprisingly severe or bizarre symptoms far from the original injury.
The body automatically tries to adapt to these unresolved restrictions with abnormal movements and postures, creating new problems and restrictions over time.
Is MFR like deep-tissue massage? Is it just fancy stretching?
No, and nope!
Traditional chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and massage do something “to” you, essentially guessing what your body needs. Any positive changes soon disappear because your mind and nervous system always return to “your normal,” including your symptoms.
Traditional stretching exercises are much too quick and aggressive, only stretching the part of the muscle that was flexible already.
Exercise is only somewhat helpful because the restricted part of the muscle tissue is inert and powerless, and the working part is quickly exhausted from over-compensation.
By contrast, the MFR therapist interacts with your body, “listening” very closely with their hands.
The direction and location of MFR techniques are constantly adjusted as your body responds. The amount of pressure is very steady and gentle—less than what would trigger a protective reflex. It is not injurious because the “barrier” is never forced.
The prolonged, sustained pressure creates physical changes at the molecular and cellular levels in the fascia and nervous system. This enables your body to create a “new normal” that’s much less painful, more functional, and stable.
I’ve heard of unwinding, but what is “myofascial unwinding”?
MFR unwinding is the spontaneous movement of your body that sometimes occurs during MFR treatment. It can feel like the therapist is causing it, but it feels natural, too. It is directed by your nervous system and guided by what you feel physically and emotionally and your subconscious “tissue memory.”
The therapist facilitates the process primarily by keeping your body safe—physically and personally. The felt sense of safety allows the body-mind to let go of the subconscious fight-flight-freeze patterns causing your current symptoms. As you learn to trust your body and the therapist, you will unwind into the precise positions or movement patterns your body needs at that moment.
You can uncover restrictions or holding patterns you didn’t know about or had long forgotten. And as they release, amazing, beneficial physical changes take place.
What is “myofascial rebounding”?
MFR rebounding is a relaxing and natural rhythmic motion initiated by the therapist. It provides unique assessment information, facilitates the release of subconscious holding patterns and restrictions, normalizes circulation, and increases energy flow. And it’s kind of fun!
Can MFR help with my (insert diagnosis)?
The short answer is “yes” (with a few exceptions, of course).
Many diagnoses are merely scientific-sounding descriptions of your symptoms—without reference to a “cause” of the symptoms. Your symptoms are signs of your body’s natural response to hidden unresolved myofascial restrictions. MFR is practically always a smart choice.
Many medical conditions cause secondary symptoms and problems that can be helped quite a bit with MFR. It makes your life easier and less painful. And it makes the medical treatment for your “dis-ease” more effective.
What is a typical MFR session like?
Usually, we start by briefly discussing your recent experience or symptoms. We may do a standing postural evaluation and/or measure a few things.
Then, we get started with treatment, which is guided by your body. I observe and feel how different areas of your body respond to the techniques, check in with what you are feeling, and note patterns or positions of unwinding.
It’s a logical and intuitive process for both of us. Intuition “leads” the treatment, and logic explains it later.
Plus, you will learn what your body needs for self-treatment so that you can prevent or quickly recover from future difficulties.
No two sessions will be the same because you are not the same day to day. You are always changing, compensating, learning, and growing (hopefully!).
It’s time for a low-risk, high-reward treatment with lasting results.
Restrictions accumulate over time—years… even decades. When something painful or difficult happens, you get through it “okay,” but the busy-busy-busy of life pushes you to deal with the next thing. Then, something else happens, and you “get through” that one, too (sort of)… and so on.
It’s like opening more and more programs on your computer without closing the old ones. The computer becomes overloaded and starts to slow down and get weird… until it finally crashes.
MFR can find the “forgotten programs” in your body, so your own body can close them.
Once we delete the bad stuff and refresh the good stuff, you’ll notice that your “computer” is working nice and fast again!
Let’s get you back to the pain-free, active life you love.
I know you’re tired of the pain and quick-fix gimmicks. Give me a call: (916) 359-9590